Part 1: Understanding This Oxymoron 1
1 Ethics and Intelligence
J. E. Drexel Godfrey
2 Is Ethical Intelligence a Contradiction in Terms?
Jennifer Morgan Jones
3 Beyond the Oxymoron: Exploring Ethics through the Intelligence Cycle
Hans Born and Aidan Wills
4 Ethics and Morality in U.S. Secret Intelligence
Arthur S. Hulnick and Daniel W. Mattausch
5 Ethics of Human Intelligence Operations: Of MICE and Men
Donald A. Petkus
6 Tension and Strategy: Ethics Phobia
Jan Goldman
7 Tension and Strategy: Sources and Bypassing Strategies
Mark Phythian
Part 2: Ethics and Professionalism
8 Introduction to the Doolittle Commission Report on the Covert Activities of the Central Intelligence Agency
9 Pre–World War II Office of Naval Intelligence’s Special Intelligence Memorandum
Background by Randy Balano and Memorandum by John L. Riheldaffer
10 Professionalization of Intelligence
George Allen
11 The Need for Improvement: Integrity, Ethics, and the CIA
Kent Pekel
12 Guarding against Politicization: A Message to Analysts
CIA Director Robert M. Gates
13 Memorandum: One Person Can Make a Difference
Background by Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS) and Memorandum by Andrew Wilkie
14 Ethics and Intelligence after September 2001
Michael Herman
Part 3: Ethics and Intelligence Collection
15 Intelligence Collection and Analysis: Dilemmas and Decisions
John B. Chomeau and Anne C. Rudolph
16 Ethics for the New Surveillance
Gary T. Marx
17 “As Rays of Light to the Human Soul”? Moral Agents and Intelligence Gathering
Toni Erskine
18 Moral Damage and the Justification of Intelligence Collection from Human Sources
John P. Langan, S.J.
19 An Ethical Defense of Torture in Interrogation
Fritz Allhoff
20 U.S. Army Interrogator Survey on Ethics
Rebeca Bolton
Part 4: Ethics and Covert Operations
21 Legitimacy of Covert Action: Sorting out the Moral Responsibilities
Lincoln P. Bloomfield Jr.
22 Covert Intervention a Moral Problem
Charles R. Beitz
23 Managing Covert Political Action: Guideposts from Just War Theory
James A. Barry
24 Ethics of Covert Operations
Loch K. Johnson
Part 5: Ethical Frameworks
25 Just Intelligence Theory
William C. Plouffe Jr.
26 Ethics, Intelligence, and Preemptive and Preventive Actions
Ralph L. DeFalco III
27 Speak No Evil: Intelligence Ethics in Israel
Shlomo Shpiro
28 Using Private Corporations to Conduct Intelligence Activities for National Security Purposes: An Ethical Appraisal
James E. Roper
29 Finding a Balance: When Professional Ethics Conflicts with Outside Scholarship
Jan Goldman
Contributor Biographies When Articles Were Published